Church Reform Initiative (“ChurchRI”) began as a response to growing concerns of corruption within the local church and a call for reform back to biblical principles.  We believe that this initiative cannot be accomplished without restoring truth, transparency, and accountability in the local church and Christian organizations.


ChurchRI was created to serve individuals and other like-minded organizations who desire to pursue truth, transparency, and leadership accountability of various Christian organizations including, but not limited to, churches, parachurch organizations, integrated auxiliaries, and other affiliated organizations.


ChurchRI provides resources and other forms of support for church members who desire to uncover and expose corruption, fraud, abuse and other criminal and unethical behaviors within various Christian organizations, including financial support for litigation, education, and exposure.

ChurchRI also seeks to work with and support other like-minded organizations through financial grants and other opportunities.


The biblical standard for the church is clear, it is the “household of God… a pillar and buttress of truth” (1 Timothy 3:15, ESV), as such, it must be the aim for the Body of Christ. The more the church steers away from this standard, the more destructive it becomes. At ChurchRI, it is our call to action.


Each of our board members have volunteered hundreds of hours to advance our mission, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to exposing corruption, abuse, and wolves in the church.


    Jeremiah is a highly credentialed wealth advisor and financial planner. After graduating from George Washington University, he began working in the financial services industry. Having been in a bank environment for many years, Jeremiah has a keen eye in identifying unorthodox numerical trends. Having had countless hours of training on financial crimes and money laundering, Jeremiah is keenly alert to financial inconsistencies, fraud, and misappropriation of funds, which aided him in his research into McLean Bible Church and their affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention.

    With over a thousand hours of independent research into McLean Bible Church’s discrete financial transactions and deceptive dealings, Jeremiah along with others, have brought to the attention of church members and the community as well, the corruption of MBC leadership and the concealed financial transactions in the millions of dollars.


    For over 15 years, Mrs. Peregrino served in several capacities in the Government contracting industry for various companies across Northern Virginia and Washington DC area, supporting a number of federal agencies including the Department of Defense, the Intel community, the US Navy and other civilian agencies. Her educational background includes a BS in Economics from George Mason University and an MBA in Finance from American Intercontinental University. In 2022, she decided to step away from her career to focus full-time on raising and homeschooling her children, which has been a true blessing even in the most difficult moments. Abby and her husband, Paul, have been married for 15 years and together they lean on God’s grace and mercy as they raise their 3 wonderful boys, two of whom have special needs.

    Abby and Paul began attending the Young Adult service at McLean Bible Church 2008 and in 2010, they joined a small group (which they still attend today). In 2015, they became members, formalizing their commitment to the church. During this time, she served as a volunteer for their Young Adult’s ministry alongside her husband and as a Sunday school teacher for elementary school-aged kid. Their faith grew through their Discipleship ministries and much of their Christian walk and love for Christ is attributed to McLean Bible’s teaching, primarily under the prior Senior Pastor. McLean Bible was where Paul was saved and baptized and where all 3 of their boys were dedicated. The family as a whole were also blessed by their special needs ministry which provided both respite and comfort.

    In 2020, this biblical foundation provided the discernment which opened their eyes to questionable doctrine and actions from their church leadership. In 2021, as evidence continued to increase, the questionable concerns progressed to suspicion of deception, misrepresentation and abuse of governance. Abby’s love for Christ and the sanctity and purity of the Bride of Christ led to her desire to pursue the truth and expose the darkness driving her motivation as Vice President of Church RI.

    While they are no longer members of McLean Bible Church, they remain fully committed to the nonprofit’s endeavors and since 2021, Abby has dedicated her time to serving the Body of Christ by coordinating prayer and worship meetings and establishing and executing a comprehensive communications plan that aims to provide both encouragement and church-related information for over 300 current and former attendees.

    “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits.” Matthew 7:15-16a


    Mr. Gaskins has been involved in almost every facet of the Real Estate industry in Northern Virginia over the last 50 years. He completed undergraduate studies at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia and received the Juris Doctorate degree from George Mason University School of Law, Arlington, VA. Mr. Gaskins served four years as a Commissioned Officer in the United States Army during the Viet Nam conflict.

    He has been married to his college sweetheart , Jan, for 55 years and has 5 children and 18 grandchildren. He and his wife have lived in Northern Virginia for over 50 years and been active in numerous community organizations with particular emphasis on coaching youth sports.

    In his early real estate days, after Law School, he rose to prominence as one of the region’s top producing real estate agents. He has owned his own Brokerage and Property Management companies in Falls Church for decades. During that time he also developed and built 15 low income and elderly housing projects around the country in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi.

    For over twenty five years he actively managed one of the top offices of one of the largest and most successful residential brokerage operations in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area. In 2013 he launched a new Keller Williams Falls Church Office. In 2019 he began operating satellite offices in Alexandria and Fredericksburg. His flagship office in Falls Church has become one of the top 10 Real Estate Offices in Northern Virginia.

    His training and management philosophy is closely tied to the Keller Williams Model and its emphasis on building solid businesses for its agents based on the value system which emphasizes “God, Family and then Business.”

    In recent years Mr. Gaskins has also been a principal in a local Moving and Storage Company, serving as the Chairman of the Board.

    He has been an active member of McLean Bible Church for 50 years and has served there for decades with emphasis on working with High School students and Men’s Ministries. During those years he has served in many leadership positions in the church to include deacon, elder, church treasurer, teacher, choir member, young children’s ministries leader, and Awana leader. He has led home groups and Bible studies. He had the lead role in the procurement and acquisition of the current church facility and in the purchase of the property for Jill’s House.

    With the transition of McLean Bible Church to a new pastor and new leadership, he became aware of inconsistencies and even deception in the management and government of the church. The departure from the long standing governing documents of the church was especially alarming. The lack of financial transparency and the refusal of leadership in the church to offer any evidence of accountability or openness became increasingly troubling .

    The above realizations led to the involvement in civil legal actions concerning disclosure of voting irregularities. Abject violations of the church’s longstanding Constitution have been blatant and obvious. The adoption of a new self-serving constitution has consolidating and cemented power for a small group of improperly elected leaders. These factors, among others, have led to involvement with the Church Reform Initiative.


    Caroline is a true metro DC native. She was born and grew up in Arlington and graduated from George Mason University with a BS in Business Administration, concentrating on courses in Real Estate, Business Law, and Contract Law. She began a long-term career as a Realtor while still a college freshman. Later she became a full time stay at home mom and caregiver for her mother.

    She grew up in a mainline protestant church and served as the youngest Trustee. In spite of joining two different faiths, Caroline never developed a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ. After her husband’s traumatic death, she realized something was vastly missing from her life and that was a personal relationship with the Lord. She visited church after church, finally ending up at a service at McLean Bible where she learned of God’s unconditional love and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Caroline became an active member of MBC in 1997 where she continues to be part of that family.

    Caroline’s roots and love for MBC run deep. She is married to Michael, a devoted Christian who accepted the Lord at MBC as did her mother and two children. She has two grandchildren who are being raised in the Christian faith. She served on staff at McLean Bible Church two separate times and has volunteered with several ministries. By 1998 she had founded DownTime; a 24-hr telephone prayer support and helpline developed after her husband’s death which was active for over 20 years. She has served on the Board of Directors of two Christian schools and is actively involved in prayer ministry.

    Caroline was drawn to a ministry of church reform as a result of identifying corruption within the local Christian church and seeing others led astray. Believing such corruption to be widespread, she has a heart to serve on the Board of Church Reform Initiative to help expose corruption and a love for others by educating them on detecting possible corruption within their own church and strategies for addressing it.

    Galatians 6:8 "For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life."


    Laura is a visionary creative with a passion for justice. With a fine arts degree in photography from George Washington University, she has spent the last 17 years crafting her own photography business from the ground up.

    In addition to her entrepreneurial pursuits, Laura is the founder and president of a non-profit ministry dedicated to maximizing freedom and justice for women and children who have been victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Since its inception in 2015, the ministry has led her to the heart of Amsterdam's red-light district, where Laura and her team have been instrumental in advocating for the rights and dignity of the women behind the windows, empowering them to begin charting a new course in life.

    From the streets of Amsterdam's red-light district to the pews of McLean Bible Church, Laura's faith informs every aspect of her life. Driven by her unwavering belief in the truth of the Bible and its commands, Laura and her husband, Jeremiah, have been active attendees/members of MBC since 2005. After witnessing firsthand, a mass exodus of 10,000+ people from their church congregation due to the corrupt and toxic leadership of David Platt and his elder board, Laura is committed to exposing corruption discovered and advocating for reform at MBC, so that it is restored to the beacon of hope it once was.

    Titus 2:11-15 "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works. Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you."