2015-2017: David Platt, Interim Pastor

Between July 2015 and March 2017, emails several exchanges between David Platt, then President of the International Mission Board (IMB), and MBC’s Executive Pastor, Dale Sutherland, detailing the effort to bring David into the church, ultimately securing him as interim pastor while MBC’s Senior Pastor, Lon Solomon, began his transition into retirement. 

These exchanges bring to light the courting of Platt by Dale Sutherland, concerns and impacts regarding MBC’s nondenominational status and the need for the church to be seen as an “SBC church”.  They also highlight that both MBC’s elders and Lon Solomon were not aware of the church’s affiliation with the SBC and, specifically, the “meaning” of the relationship. In one exchange, Dale and David express a “desire” to diversify the pastoral makeup to become more ethnically diverse. Notably, Lon Solomon was not included in these emails. The discussion closes with Dale’s email to David, emphasizing the importance for him to be both at IMB and MBC as it is “essential for the state of world missions and us being allowed to be a part of that.”

July 2015

Re: Sightseeing with the Platts:

MBC hosts the Platt’s. Dale Sutherland arranged Platt’s visit to the church with Paul Akin, David’s Senior Aide at IMB. (This was ultimately canceled due to an unexpected schedule conflict). MBC_002549-MBC_002553

November 2016

David Platt July 9 2017!!:

Dale Sutherland invites David Platt to preach at MBC and meet with Pastors and staff. MBC_002549-002550

December 2016

Re: David Platt July 9 2017!!:

Dale confirms with MBC Pastors/Staff- David Platt will be preaching on July 9, 2017. MBC_002549

January 22, 2017

[No Subject]:

“It would probably help me in the short-term, and definitely in the long-term, if it wasn't described so explicitly/formally as nondenominational.” David Platt tells Dale Sutherland that he is ok with being called “interim teaching pastor” and having that on MBC’s website as it could help “as more develops in the days ahead”. He also expresses his worry that MBC’s website “explicitly/formally” states that it is non denominational.  MBC_001507 

February 18, 2017

dinner with Lon/Friday schedule/preaching cal:

Dale Sutherland preps David Platt for his dinner with Lon Solomon. “Remember he doesn't understand the IMB or the SBC so he doesn't know the impact of the decision.” MBC_001508 

February 27, 2017

Questions- most for later/a few in red for tomm if possible:

Dale Sutherland preps David Platt with talking points to explain MBC’s relationship with the SBC to the church and acknowledges that even the elders do not understand the impact of their relationship with the SBC. MBC_001509

March 8, 2017

FW: Is MBC a Southern Baptist Church:

An email from a Southern Baptist pastor to Lon Solomon raises concerns regarding David Platt as interim teaching pastor and the lack of clarity of MBC’s relationship with the SBC. MBC_001510-001511

March 15, 2017

[No Subject]:

“Mclean is really wanting to explore diversifying leadership with multiple ethnicities. Would love to explore leaders along these lines from Southern/Southeastern or anywhere else we know.”  David Platt asks Paul Akin for connections to explore intern possibilities and that MBC is “exploring” diversifying its leadership. MBC_001512

March 15, 2017

[No Subject]:

"Hey, we're a new SBC church... David Platt is helping us out...and I wanted to connect with you..." David Platt directs Dale Sutherland to Paul Akin who can help connect with churches around Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary that have leader internship programs (Summit Church and Imago Dei Church) and encourages Dale to “drop his name”. MBC_001511

March 16, 2017

Re: Opening Doors:

Paul Akin refers Dale to Walter at SEBTS and Kevin at Saddleback. David Platt is cc’d on the email. “Walter is African-American and Kevin is Asian-America.”  MBC_001512

March 17, 2017

Re: Boring Questions:

Dale Sutherland provides David with additional talking points that they’ve “already talked about”. “IMB needs to be seen as permanent.”  MBC_001513

March 20, 2017

Re: Boring Questions:

I believe more and more that having you at IMB and MBC is essential to the state of world missions and us being allowed to be a part of that.”-Dale Sutherland  MBC_001513

  • "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."

    Ephesians 5:11

  • "if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth."

    1 Timothy 3:15

  • "Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood."

    Acts 20:28

  • "I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them."

    Acts 20:29-30