August 7, 2017 - September 27, 2017: Juggling, Circumventing, Misleading and Manipulation

What transpired behind the scenes leading up to David Platt’s “overwhelming” confirmation by the members of McLean Bible Church as Lon Solomon’s successor is eye-opening.  Discovery documents show a campaign of word-gaming narratives, manufactured perceptions, controversial affiliations and money flow were made to ensure a smooth and seamless vote, resulting in what could only be seen as a “takeover”.

Nearly two months prior to the vote, David Platt expressed concerns that if MBC is seen as a“non-SBC” church, it would be a “game-changer” for him. A month later, a pivotal meeting took place with David and his PR Team at IMB and from this meeting, Dale Sutherland would be introduced to Briant Autry, Executive Director for the SBC of Virginia. On August 28th, MBC would apply to formally affiliate with the state Baptist convention, approximately one month prior to his installation as Lon’s successor.

Exchanges also show great concern from congregants and outside observers regarding the duplicitous messaging from David Platt and MBC leadership, as well as, from the IMB: is MBC affiliated with the SBC or isn’t it? One MBC attendee questioned if the IMB is advocating that MBC violate its own constitution and an MBC pastor saying that the elders had found “a work-around”. This would continue to be a focus of concern in the weeks and days leading up to the vote, requiring Dale Sutherland to reach out to a consultant from Multi-Site Solutions for help with talking points for Lon Solomon at a church town hall where congregants would learn more about David and hear from Lon prior to the vote. (The consultant’s name was Wade Burnett and David would eventually bring him on staff in 2020 to serve full time as MBC’s Executive Pastor).

Other questionable decisions that were made leading up to the vote included MBC’s finances and how the money should flow.  Emails from Paul Akin, David’s Sr. Aide at IMB, Dale Sutherland, MBC’s Executive Pastor, and David Platt, President of IMB, include discussions and recommendations on where MBC’s contribution should go and how much should be given with Platt ultimately giving these recommendations to Dale. It would be fair to say that thirteen days prior to his installation as Lon’s successor and as President of IMB, David heavily influenced the decision to redirect money from the SBC (the national convention) to the SBCV’s Cooperative Program (the state baptist convention), stating that the first check should be a “decent” amount

Reading through the emails answers several questions but begs many others. How many of Mclean Bible Church’s elders, staff and congregants knew how involved David actually was leading up to his own installation as Lon’s successor? How many knew that the commitments that Dale Sutherland and Bill Steele made on behalf of the church with the SBCV circumvented elder authority? How many knew the PR nightmare going on behind the scenes and the deceptive efforts it took to give the appearance that David was divinely appointed to lead McLean Bible Church? Was all of this really necessary in order to ensure David would become Lon’s successor? Did the end really justify the means? Perception is reality until the truth comes out.

“The focus with Lon and his communication to the church is NOT the specific issues that have

been raised (the MBC/IMB/SBC connection and David's reformed theological positions).

Instead, Lon needs to be focused on reminding people that he COULD NOT (as he said to the

elders) relinquish his role unless he was convinced that God had raised up David for such a time as this.”

-Wade Burnett, Consultant

52 Days Prior to Installation : August 7, 2017

FW: question 

The Need for a Narrative: David Platt is displeased with the cross-messaging regarding MBC’s official status with the SBC. David Platt expresses his displeasure and concern with Dale Sutherland as a disjointed narrative is being communicated by Lon Solomon and Larry Cooper, chairman of the Elders to the SBC and to the congregation. David takes over the messaging. MBC_001525

If the conclusion is, "No, we are not a Southern Baptist Church," that's pretty much a game changer in every way...and I don't believe it's true.” David Platt

I'm not surprised that word is spreading that I could potentially be Senior Pastor of a non -Southern Baptist church...which is what I'm fighting to correct continually right now.” David Platt

42 Days Prior to Installation: August 17, 2017


This exchange between Paul Akin, David’s Senior Aide at IMB and Dale Sutherland following a meeting with David and his PR Team at IMB paved the way for David to calm their concerns of MBC being a non-Southern Baptist Church and set the stage for MBC’s State Baptist Convention affiliation. MBC_001527

 “I wanted to encourage you to reach out to Brian Autry who is the Executive Director of the SBCV (Southern Baptist Conservatives ofVirginia).” Paul Akin

Brian, a friend of David’s and the IMB, is excited to hear that MBC is now an SBC church and wants to help MBC in any way. 

“In the future when MBC makes contributions to the SBC, it is helpful to do that in conjunction with the State Convention.” It would be really helpful to David if when people searched for McLean Bible Church on the online SBC Directory that the church showed up as an official SBC church. Paul Akin

That state convention ended up being the SBCV and this meeting was the catalyst for a new affiliation arrangement.

38 Days Prior to Installation: August 22, 2017

[No Subject]. 

“Very interesting the way it all works.” Dale Sutherland

Dale Sutherland to an unknown recipient confirms meeting with IMB and SBCV. MBC_001528

36 Days Prior to Installation: August 24, 2017

 5 Minutes

 “Dale has me working on an application for the SBCV.”  Holly Huffman

Holly Huffman (MBC Employee) emails Bill Steele (Executive Pastor of Operations) for assistance in completing the SBCV affiliation application. MBC_001842

32 Days Prior to Installation: August 28, 2017

SBCV Partnership Application.pdf

MBC’s application for partnership with the SBCV is signed by Dale Sutherland and Bill Steele.  SBCV_01

30 Days Prior to Installation: August 30, 2017

RE: DP Talking Points

 “I know that Larry is leery of saying anything about us being an SBC church. We might need to check with him again to make sure what he does and does not want us to say. Bill Steele

In Bill Steele’s email to Tom McMahon (MBC elder), he confirms that there are two different documents with official talking points should someone ask about David Platt, the SBC and MBC.  One was written by the elders with input from David, one was written by IMB.  (Larry [Cooper], who is referenced by Bill, is the chairman of the elder board). MBC002412, MBC_002414-002415, MBC_002416-002417

27 Days Prior to Installation: September 2, 2017

RE: News from MBC/ Hurricane Relief"; B. Steele to M. Kelsey 

We are just a bit concerned about the NAMB piece getting out there too much as folks try to make a bigger deal about the SBC connection to MBC.” Bill Steele

Bill Steele shares concerns of a recent email that was distributed to the congregation advertising MBC’s partnership with NAMB and Send Relief.  He is worried that the emphasis on partnering with NAMB will make things more difficult with the SBC connection leading up to the vote for David’s installation as Lon Solomon’s successor. Bill admits that they were not “as tight” as they should have been with communications and hopes it will be ok. MBC_002472

15 Days Prior to Installation: September 12, 2017

SBC of Virginia and SBC Partnership 

Brian Autry sends an email confirming receipt of MBC’s application for affiliation and states that the only other outstanding issue is their contribution to the Cooperative Program, “made through the SBC of Virginia”. Up until this point, contributions were limited to church planting. Autry informs Dale that by giving to the Cooperative Program through the SBCV, funds will support the SBC’s national and global ministries. Autry also provides MBC’s SBC ID # and officially welcomes them. The SBCV Executive Committee will officially vote on affiliating with MBC on Oct. 3 and the state convention will affirm the affiliation at the November annual meeting. MBC_001532, MBC_001533

15 Days Prior to Installation: September 12, 2017

FW: MBC on SBC Website - SBC ID #0589538 

Bill Steele sends an email to an MBC Accounting staff member directing the SBCV donation to be added under “Outreach” in the books. He recommends $50K for 2017 and cites that his biggest concern is not knowing how much David/Dale want to budget for 2018. MBC_002314

“I am guessing we can put it under outreach but with its own line item.”  Bill Steele

13 Days Prior to Installation: September 14, 2017

RE: SBC of Virginia and SBC partnerships

Paul Akin, David’s Sr. Aide at IMB recommends that Dale discuss with David to determine how much MBC should contribute. David weighs in with a response to Dale, he says that MBC will give all of the funds through the SBCV (state convention) not the SBC (national convention) which is how funds were given in the prior year. David also asks if there is any money anywhere in the budget that could be used to give “a decent amount”, even offering up part of his honorarium budget. Bill Steele confirms the amount with Dale because he doesn’t want to “mess up an amount of that magnitude”.  Important note: initial contribution ended up being twice as much as what Bill had initially estimated after Dale’s exchange with David. MBC_002509-MBC_002511

“Would be good for you to discuss with David in terms of what kind of contribution MBC wants to make to the Cooperative Program.” Paul Akin (IMB)

“...it’d be great if we could send a check from Mclean to SBCV right now with no designation of how to use it…”  David Platt 

“Just to confirm that you want us to send $100,000 to the SBCV immediately.” Bill Steele

12 Days Prior to Installation: September 15, 2017

Need Your Help! 

Dale Sutherland reaches out to Wade Burnett, consultant from Multi Site Solutions asking him what Lon (Solomon) should say “this weekend” and includes an article link from “SBC This Week”. Dale may be referring to communications during MBC’s Town Hall. Wade responds to Dale with talking points and what to say/what not to say to calm concerns from congregants about installing David as Lon’s successor. Wade also states that there are great benefits to having someone who is leading more than one significant institution, citing articles by Ed Stetzer. MBC_002587-MBC_002589

“SBC thing is getting a lot of folks here unhappy.”  Dale Sutherland

Lon needs to be focused on reminding people that he COULD NOT (as he said to the elders) relinquish his role unless he was convinced that God had raised up David for such a time as this.”  Wade Burnett

“It is a tremendous positive to have a leader with David’s stature stepping in as the Pastor-Teacher. Of all the churches in the country, the Lord has brought him to Mclean.”  Wade Burnett

“Again, his focus should be on his personal endorsement of David and a reminder for EVERYONE to please be there to vote (especially when they are applauding)”. Wade Burnett

10 Days Prior to Installation: September 17, 2017

[No Subject] MBC_001533 

David Platt forwards Hance Dilbeck’s (then IMB Trustee) email which includes an email from an MBC member titled, Is the IMB advocating a church to violate its own constitution in Virginia for some reason? to Dale Sutherland.

“Hance is getting a ton of pressure [from] SBC right now and then John Daily sends him this…” David Platt

9 Days Prior to Installation: September 18, 2017

Fwd: Is IMB advocating a church to violate its own constitutions in Virginia for some reason 

Dale emails an MBC Pastor, Corey Thurman, this question in response to the email that was sent to an IMB Trustee asking if what was alleged to be in the constitution is true. Corey’s response is Technically, yes”, but that the elders had found “a work-around”. MBC_002141-MBC_002144

“Is he right about our constitution?” Dale Sutherland

4 Days Prior to Installation: September 23, 2017

[No Subject]

Brian Autry (Exec. Director, SBCV) confirms with Dale that MBC’s contribution has been received and acknowledges that it is a “huge week” for his church. MBC_001539, MBC_001540

  • "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."

    Ephesians 5:11

  • "if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth."

    1 Timothy 3:15

  • "Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood."

    Acts 20:28

  • "I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them."

    Acts 20:29-30