MBC Papers | Why is Aronson, now Aprio, (the company auditing MBC) asking about church membership, attendance records and our relationship with Radical and SBC?
Laura Burke Laura Burke

MBC Papers | Why is Aronson, now Aprio, (the company auditing MBC) asking about church membership, attendance records and our relationship with Radical and SBC?

Does MBC’s finance team have an issue answering auditors’ questions honestly?

On Mar 9, 2022, at 2:13 PM, Bill Steele <BiII.SteeIe@mcIeanbible.org> wrote:

Mary Lu

Nancy asked if I would have any problem with providing this information for the auditors, especially in light of everything else going on right now at MBC.

Honestly I am a bit concerned that the auditors would be asking about church membership and attendance records. Not quite sure what that has to do with a financial audit. My red flags are starting to fly a bit too high with this request. In conjunction with their request in December about our relationship with Radical (and I think SBC)

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MBC PAPERS | What role did Lon Solomon play in affiliating with the SBC?
Laura Burke Laura Burke

MBC PAPERS | What role did Lon Solomon play in affiliating with the SBC?

Lon Solomon formally left MBC in September 2017. The church promptly did everything they could to erase him. They took down his sermons from the website and took his books and CDs out of the bookstore. The CDs had been translated into over a dozen foreign languages including some African dialects. He was never invited back to preach and they rarely if ever mentioned his name from the stage or quoted him from the pulpit.  

But when the facts of the SBC affiliation began to surface, they couldn’t mention his name enough.

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MBC PAPERS | Who authored the April 2021 letter from Ashley Clayton to MBC retracting Clayton’s earlier statements that MBC was “affiliated at all three levels of affiliation?”

MBC PAPERS | Who authored the April 2021 letter from Ashley Clayton to MBC retracting Clayton’s earlier statements that MBC was “affiliated at all three levels of affiliation?”

Here is the timeline that internal church documents and other sources have revealed. 

March 16, 2021, Clayton writes email to MBC member Jeremiah Burke disclosing affiliation and declaring that the SBC is a denomination (Clayton Burke Email Exchange).

March 31, 2021, Burke submits evidence of affiliation and a motion calling for David Platt’s dismissal and removal, at the evening Congregational Meeting to Chairman of Elder Board Larry Cooper (MBC_001600).

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MBC PAPERS | Is MBC really a member of the SBC?

MBC PAPERS | Is MBC really a member of the SBC?

In his now “famous” July 4, 2021 sermon David Platt clearly stated: “We are not a member of the Southern Baptist Convention.”

Although this was a recurring theme of MBC leadership, discovery in the Burke et all vs McLean Bible Church lawsuit revealed that statement to be a lie that Lead Pastor David Platt vehemently told his congregation from the pulpit on that date.

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