Church Reform Initiative Presents: The Real David Platt Documentary - Part 1 Now Available!

Church Reform Initiative is proud to announce the release of Part 1 of our documentary, The Real David Platt: The Hijacking of McLean Bible Church.

Mclean Bible Church, once a beacon of light with a rich history and deep roots within the community, was nearly destroyed by the deception, disillusionment and false teaching under David Platt's leadership. Get to know the faces and hear testimonies by current and former members/elder. Learn how David came on board and understand why his statement "We are not a member of the Southern Baptist Convention" was the Great Deception and how, with the help of his proxies, he destroyed ministries that not only served godly men and women but also served the metro Washington DC community, labeling them as shallow and inefficient, how he erased Lon Solomon's presence from a church he pastored for over 30 years and how members called him and the Elder Board to account during the March 31, 2021 congregational meeting. It's time to shine a light on the darkness.

We care about restoring Mclean Bible Church (our beloved church), we care about the thousands of people who were negatively impacted by the leadership, we care about truth and honesty from the pulpit and from the elders, we care about transparency and financial stewardship- it is not our money but rather Christ's; likewise, it is not our church, but Christ's. Our best plans, defenses, and reasoning are nothing if they are not aligned with the Lord's will. 

Watch Part 1 now at, and join us as we seek to restore McLean Bible Church to the beacon of light it was meant to be.

#ChurchReform #RestoringMBC #TruthInLeadership #TransparencyAndIntegrity #DavidPlatt #TheRealDavidPlatt #SaveMBC #SaveMcLeanBibleChurch


MBC Papers | Why is Aronson, now Aprio, (the company auditing MBC) asking about church membership, attendance records and our relationship with Radical and SBC?