Church Reform Initiative Presents: The Real David Platt Documentary - Part 1 Now Available!
Laura Burke Laura Burke

Church Reform Initiative Presents: The Real David Platt Documentary - Part 1 Now Available!

Church Reform Initiative is proud to announce the release of Part 1 of our documentary, The Real David Platt: The Hijacking of McLean Bible Church.

We care about restoring Mclean Bible Church (our beloved church), we care about the thousands of people who were negatively impacted by the leadership, we care about truth and honesty from the pulpit and from the elders, we care about transparency and financial stewardship- it is not our money but rather Christ's; likewise, it is not our church, but Christ's. Our best plans, defenses, and reasoning are nothing if they are not aligned with the Lord's will. 

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MBC PAPERS | Who authored the April 2021 letter from Ashley Clayton to MBC retracting Clayton’s earlier statements that MBC was “affiliated at all three levels of affiliation?”

MBC PAPERS | Who authored the April 2021 letter from Ashley Clayton to MBC retracting Clayton’s earlier statements that MBC was “affiliated at all three levels of affiliation?”

Here is the timeline that internal church documents and other sources have revealed. 

March 16, 2021, Clayton writes email to MBC member Jeremiah Burke disclosing affiliation and declaring that the SBC is a denomination (Clayton Burke Email Exchange).

March 31, 2021, Burke submits evidence of affiliation and a motion calling for David Platt’s dismissal and removal, at the evening Congregational Meeting to Chairman of Elder Board Larry Cooper (MBC_001600).

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MBC PAPERS | Is MBC really a member of the SBC?

MBC PAPERS | Is MBC really a member of the SBC?

In his now “famous” July 4, 2021 sermon David Platt clearly stated: “We are not a member of the Southern Baptist Convention.”

Although this was a recurring theme of MBC leadership, discovery in the Burke et all vs McLean Bible Church lawsuit revealed that statement to be a lie that Lead Pastor David Platt vehemently told his congregation from the pulpit on that date.

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